
Jerome Senior Center
Board of Directors
Pauline Borges, Board President
Ken Schloder, Board Vice President
Dean Larsen, Board Member
Pam Childers, Secretary
Bill Pflueger, Treasurer
Ray Blevins, Board Member
Anne Walgamott, Board Member

Site Manager: Sheila Harmon
Discrimination Statement
Board members, volunteers and employees shall not discriminate against any one on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability while engaging in business at the Jerome Senior Center. The members of the board, staff and volunteers may not discriminate against any senior who comes to our senior center, regardless of ability to pay. All seniors and guests must be treated with dignity and respect.

About Us

Jerome County Senior Citizens Service Area, Inc.
known as Jerome Senior Center
was incorporated in 1977. Our Senior Center was in the old train depot next to the Post Office and in 2009 the City of Jerome was donated a block of land and a new Senior Center was built specifically for our Jerome Seniors.

Are you looking for an opportunity to volunteer?
At the Jerome Senior Center we LOVE volunteers! Volunteering can mean many things...whether it's helping set-up, clean-up, shoveling snow, or run one of our weekly programs for seniors, we have many opportunities to volunteer and make a difference in the lives of our Seniors. Volunteering can be as simple as helping someone with their meal and allowing them to keep their dignity. Stop by the center Monday thru Friday between 8am-3pm. All you need to do is show up!
Many of our community members drop in to sing or play the piano for us or help with pinochle, bingo, etc. Group service projects are always welcome to. Call us today to arrange your project.
The Jerome Senior Center is a Non-Profit 501c3 and is grateful for all donations received. Many are in memory of loved ones. Donations go directly to purchasing items the center is in need of to aid in daily activities for the comfort and care of our seniors. Heartfelt thanks to all who have donated.
If you would like to donate, please send checks made payable to Jerome Senior Center, 520 N. Lincoln, Jerome, ID 83338.
Please memo who the donation is in memory of, if applicable.

Original Building
This was the original building on this property. Many of our parents, and grandparents, even great grandparents participated in the building of this beautiful rock structure indicative of Jerome's early history. Builders of many faiths worked on this building. The rock retaining wall has been preserved as part of Centennial Park on the West side on the property.
This framed poster (donated by the City of Wendell), indicates on the back that the sponsor was the Style Shop, a local business on Main Street in Jerome